Jumat, 24 April 2015


Pronoun adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan noun (kata benda) yang dapat berupa orang, benda, hewan, tempat, atau konsep abstrak.


Pronoun-antecedent agreement merupakan persesuaian antara pronoun dengan antecedent dalam hal numberperson, dan gender. Apa itu antecedent? yaitu kata, frasa, atau klausa yang digantikan olehpronounAgreement ini diperlukan tentunya jika ada keduanya di dalam kalimat.


You should take off your shoes there. [antecedentpronoun]


Expletive merupakan “empty words” atau kata-kata yang tidak menambah arti, namun berguna untuk memberi penekanan pada bagian tertentu suatu kalimat. There/it digunakan bersama verb be untuk membentuk expletive construction.


  • There is no food in my house. (Tidak ada makanan di rumahku.)
  • It was easy to meet him. (Dulu mudah bertemu dengannya.)
Jenis Pronoun dan Contoh Kalimatnya
YouYouYourYourself (Kamu)
YouYouYourYourselves (Kalian)
Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with correct Possesive adjective !
1. I am a student. ________school is on Jl. Mawar
2. They live in Semarang. _______house is big and beautiful.
3. Mom loves cookin. _______cake is always delicious
4. Look at the cat ! _____eyes are green
5. Are you new student? Where is _____classroom?
6. Nia has a pencil. _____pencil case is new.
7. They are my parents. _____names are Mr. Adi and Ms Ina
8. Andy has a sister. ____name is Shinta
9. Alvian is at home. He is cleaning _____bedroom
10. Rita has two cousins. ____names Matthew and Shelly
Exercise 1 ( Possesive adjective ):
1. My
2. Their
3. Her
4. It
5. Your
6. Her
7. Their
8. Her
9. His
10. Their
Referensi :
– http://inggrisonline.com/pengertian-jenis-pronoun-dan-contoh-kalimatnya/
– http://www.wordsmile.com/pengertian-macam-contoh-kalimat-pronouns
– https://literaryku.wordpress.com/2012/09/20/latihan-soal-dan-jawaban-personal-pronoun-possesive-adjective/

Subject, Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement adalah persesuaian antara verb (kata kerja) dengan subject kalimat dalam hal number, yaitu: singular (tunggal) atau plural (jamak). Subjek dapat berupa noun (kata benda), pronoun (kata ganti), atau konstruksi lain yang berakting sebagai noun, seperti gerund dan infinitive. Pada dasarnya, singular subject (subjek tunggal) menggunakan singular verb (kata kerja tunggal), sedangkan plural subject (subjek jamak) menggunakan plural verb (kata kerja jamak).
Secara umum pada bentuk present tense, singular verb berupa base form (bentuk dasar) dari verbdengan ditambahkan ending (akhiran) -s. Adapun pada plural verb tanpa ditambahkan ending -s (sebaliknya, plural subject ditambahkan ending -s). Aturan kata kerja ini berlaku pula pada subjek berupathird person (orang ketiga, contoh: Ricky, Anna) dan semua personal pronoun (they, we= jamak; he, she, it= tunggal), kecuali I dan you. Walaupun berupa subjek tunggal I dan you dipasangkan dengan kata kerja bentuk jamak (tidak termasuk verb “be” (was, am) pada “I”).
Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement [subject= bold; verb= italic]:
Namun jika ada helping verb, maka helping verb-nya yang berubah sedangkan main verb dalam bentuk dasar (base form verb). Pilihan helping verb dalam bentuk tunggal-jamak-nya adalah is-are, does-do, dan has-have. Khusus untuk has-have, agreement tidak berlaku jika kata tersebut merupakan second helping verb atau digunakan dibelakang helping verb lainnya.
Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement [subject= bold; verb= italic; helping verb= underline]:
Sedangkan pada past tense, tidak ada perbedaan bentuk kata kerja dalam hal number (tunggal atau jamak)  jika tidak ada helping verb, yaitu: was-were.
Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement [subject= bold; helping verb= underline]:
Subject-verb agreement menjadi membingungkan ketika  dihadapkan pada persoalan seperti: subjek berupa collective noun, compound subject, plural form dengan makna singular, dan indefinite pronoun. Selain itu, ada pula phrase atau clause yang menyela subjek dan kata kerja sehingga cukup dapat membingungkan didalam penentuan agreement-nya.
Berikut penjelasan dan beberapa contoh subject-verb agreement. [Subject= bold; verb, linking= italic; helping verb= underline]
Soal dan Jawaban:
  1. Septina and I … baking sponge cakes at this time yesterday. Answer: “Were : Dua atau lebih subjek yang dihubungkan dengan AND menggunakan plural verb.”
  2. Whether to buy or rent a house … an important financial question. Answer: “Is : Dua atau lebih singular subjek dihubungkan dengan OR menggunakan singular verb.”
  3. … Tika or her co-workers sleep at work. Answer: “Does : Verb disesuaikan dengan compound subjek (menggunakan OR) yang terdekat posisinya dengannya, apakah singular atau plural.”
  4. Physics … been my favorite subject since I was 15 years old. Answer: “Has : Cabang keilmuan dengan ending -ics bermakna singular sehingga diikuti singular verb.”
  5. Mumps usually … through saliva. Answer: “Spreads : Nama penyakit dengan ending -s seperti measles atau mumps bermakna singular sehingga menggunakan singular verb.”
  6. My shears … sharp enough. Answer: “Aren’t:  Subject berupa benda dengan dua bagian pada satu kesatuan membutuhkan plural verb.”
  7. Eighty percentage of his furniture … old. Answer: “Is : Noun setelah “… percentage of” (fractional expression) menentukan apakah diikuti oleh singular atau plural verb.”
  8. There … many ways to say “thank you”. Answer: “Are : There bukan subject. Subject muncul seteah verb to be, yaitu: ways. Verb to be disesuaikan dengan subject, apakah singular atau plural.”
  9. One of her cats … like tuna. Answer: “Doesn’t : Verb disesuaikan dengan subject (one), bukan prepositional phrase diantaranya.”
  10. The central office manager, along with his two assistant, … left the room. Answer: “Has :  “along with” digunakan bersama subjek tanpa menambah jumlah.”
Referensi :

Kamis, 23 April 2015

Verb Phrase and Tenses

Pengertian Verb Phrase
Verb phrase berdasarkan traditional grammar adalah kelompok kata berupa main verb dan auxiliary verb-nya, sedangkan berdasarkan generative grammar adalah predicate — main verb beserta seluruh elemen yang melengkapinya: auxiliary verb, complement, dan/atau modifier, kecuali subjek kalimat.

  • Complement (objek kalimat)  dibutuhkan jika kata kerja utama berupa transitive verb.
  • Modifier dapat berupa adjective, adverb, atau konstruksi lain yang berfungsi seperti salah satu dari part of speech tersebut.
Verb Phrase: Traditional vs Generative Grammar

  • Complement (objek kalimat)  dibutuhkan jika kata kerja utama berupa transitive verb.
  • Modifier dapat berupa adjective, adverb, atau konstruksi lain yang berfungsi seperti salah satu dari part of speech tersebut.

Verb Phrase: Traditional vs Generative Grammar


Contoh-contoh verb phrase berikut berdasarkan  traditional grammar.
Keterangan: Verb phrase = bold.

Contoh soal Verb Phrase dan Jawabannya
  1. Tika and I are going to visit our college friend tomorrow. (Are going to visit)
  2. I have not met him yet. (Have met) Nb: not (adverb) bukan bagian verb phrase
  3. He won’t have been sleeping long when you pick him up. (Will have been sleeping)
  4. She is walking down the hill now. (Is walking) Nb: verb phrase berupa present continuous tense (auxiliary verb “be” + present participle)
  5. You should often clean your cats’ bowl. (Should clean). Nb: often (adverb of frequency) bukan bagian dari verb phrase
  6. Julia doesn’t hate working on saturdays. (Does hate) Nb: working (gerund) bukan bagian dari verb phrase

Tenses adalah bentuk kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menunjukkan waktu (sekarang, masa depan, atau masa lalu) terjadinya suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa. Di Indonesia dikenal 16 macam tensesbahasa Inggris.

Berikut macam-macam, penggunaan, rumus dan contoh 16 macam tenses bahasa Inggris

Rumus pada tabel di atas merupakan rumus umum. Beberapa tense seperti simple present tense dan simple future tense memiliki opsi rumus lain yang dijelaskan lebih detail di halaman masing-masing.

Soal simple present tenses dan jawabannya
  1. Does your child … to eat all the time? Answer: "Want : Kata kerja yang digunakan pada interrogative sentence simple present tense merupakan bare infinitive (bentuk dasar verb)."
  2. I do … the funeral. Answer: Attend :  "Auxiliary verb “do” diikuti bare infinitive."
  3. The black and white cat … a long tail. Answer: "Has : Subjek kalimatnya “black and white cat” (kucing belang hitam-putih ~ singular subject), maka diikuti singular verb."
  4. Suzy and I … tall and skinny. Answer: Are : “Suzy and I” merupakan plural subject, maka diikuti plural verb."
  5. It … most of the time. Answer: Happens : “It” merupakan singular subject, maka diikuti singular verb."

Selasa, 14 April 2015


Sentences (all clauses, for that matter) are made up of at least two of these four basic parts: subjects, verbs, complements, and modifiers. The sentence (and the independent and dependent clause as well) must have an explicit or implicit subject and verb. In most standard written English sentences, the subject and verb are explicitly stated, and you are certainly encouraged to favor that practice in your writing for academic or career situations.

 Subjects are always nouns or noun equivalents (pronouns, gerunds, certain infinitives, phrases made from these verbals, and noun clauses). The subject is the person, place, or thing that does or controls the action of the verb. It is the concept that answers the question who? or what? does or is in relation to the verb.
 Example :
·         John eats flies. (Who eats? John does.)
·         Minerva is tired. (Who is? Minerva is.)
·         There is a book missing. (What is'? Book is. In this


Definition: Verbs are a class of words used to show the performance of an action (do, throw, run), existence (be), possession (have), or state (know, love) of a subject. To put it simply a verb shows what something or someone does.
 The verb is most often defined as the word or words that express action or state of being. The trouble with this definition is that it is so broad that it is difficult to pin down just when a word expresses action" or "being." Verbals seem to express action, and even some nouns seem to convey a sense of action (the race, his answer, my worry, for example).
  • I stay with friends every year.
  • I am staying with friends at the moment.


The term complement refers to the word or words of a sentence (or clause) that complete the verb or, more specifically, that complete the subject-verb relationship when such a "completing" idea is
necessary to the sense of the sentence or clause. "Ada turnips," for example is not complete. Neither is "Grows turnips," for that matter. But "Ada grows turnips" is a completed idea. Turnips completes the subject and verb, "Ada grows." (Now, "Ada grows" is a complete thought, too, but it means something entirely different from "Ada grows turnips.")
In some sentences and clauses we have an "actor" (such as Ada) and an "action" (such as grows), and that is all that is necessary to the meaning of the sentence. In other sentences and clauses there are an "actor," an "action," and something "acted upon," such as turnips in our example above.
There are several ways by which the subject and verb of a sentence or clause can be completed, depending largely on the nature of the verb. In relation to their ability to take complements in a subject-verb combination, verbs may be divided into three categories: transitive (those which require noun objects to complete them), intransitive (those which do not require noun objects), and linking (those which establish a notion of "equality" between the subject and a noun or adjective complement.
A fourth category might be added: passive. Although passive voice verbs are always formed from transitive verbs, a passive voice verb may take a complement that is either a noun or an adjective.
Let's look at these complements one by one:
1. Subjective Complement:
The subjective complement (sometimes called a predicate nominative when it is a noun or predicate adjective when it is an adjective) does just what its name implies--it completes the subject. There exists the idea of "equality" between the subject and the subjective complement established by the nature of the linking verb. (And of course that is why it is called a "linking" verb.) The verb to be in all of its forms (am, are, is, was, and were along with the various progressive and perfect tense combinations of these) is the most frequently used linking verb. In sentences or clauses using this verb, and other linking verbs, you can substitute the idea of "equals" (=) between the subject and its subjective complement.
                        Melroy is a poet.
Melroy = a poet.
2. Direct Object.-
A direct object is a noun or noun equivalent that is the receiver of the action of a subject-verb combination. It answers the question who? or what? in relation to the subject-transitive verb combination. The direct object is always in the objective case.

Pennystint hoarded trading stamps.
(Pennystint hoarded what? Trading stamps.)
3. Indirect Object.-
An indirect object is a noun or noun equivalent that, whenever it is used, always precedes a direct object and answers the question to or for whom? or what? in relation to a subject-transitive verb-direct object combination. It is always in the objective case and helps to complete verb ideas such as, give, tell, read, pay, etc., where something is done to or for someone or something else.

Pruneheart gave them trouble.
(Pruneheart gave to whom? Them; what? Trouble.)
4. Objective Complement.-
An objective complement is a noun or noun equivalent or an adjective that completes a direct object. It has the same relationship to the direct object that the subjective complement has to the subject. The idea of "to be" can always be inserted between the direct object and the objective complement. This kind of complement can occur only after the direct object and is usually found in sentences containing verbs such as, make, consider, cause, etc., where someone or something causes someone or something to be something else.

Murgatroid painted the Mercedes purple.
(Murgatoid caused the Mercedes to be purple.)


Tells the time, place or manner of the action. Very often it's a prepositional phrase. Prepotional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun.

Note : A modifier of time usually comes last if more than one modifier is present.
Example of prepositional phrases :
In the morning, at university, on the table
A modifier can also be an adverb or an adverbial phrase :
Last night, hurriedly, next year, outdoors, yesterday

Example : John bought a book at the bookstore
(modifier place)
Jill was swimming in the pool yesterday
(modifier of place)(modifier of time)
Note :
The modifier normally follows the complement, but not always. However, the modifier, especially when it's a prepositional phrase, usually can't separate the verb and the complement.
Example : She drove the car on the street
(verb) (complement)
